  author      = "Adabala, N. and Varma, M. and Toyama, K.",
  title       = "Computer Aided Generation of Stylized Maps",
  journal     = "Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds",
  volume      = "18",
  number      = "2",
  pages       = "133--140",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2007"

  author      = "Agrawal, R. and Gupta, A. and Prabhu, Y. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Multi-label learning with millions of labels: Recommending advertiser bid phrases for web pages",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2013",

  author      =	{Samy Bengio and Krzysztof Dembczynski and Thorsten Joachims and Marius Kloft and Manik Varma},
  title       =	{{Extreme Classification (Dagstuhl Seminar 18291)}},
  pages       =	{62--80},
  journal     =	{Dagstuhl Reports},
  ISSN        =	{2192-5283},
  year        =	{2019},
  volume      =	{8},
  number      =	{7},
  editor      =	{Samy Bengio and Krzysztof Dembczynski and Thorsten Joachims and Marius Kloft and Manik Varma},
  publisher   =	{Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik},
  address     =	{Dagstuhl, Germany},
  URL         =	{http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2019/10173},
  URN         =	{urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-101739},
  doi         =	{10.4230/DagRep.8.7.62},
  annote      =	{Keywords: algorithms and complexity, artificial intelligence, computer vision, machine learning}

  author      = "Bhatia, K. and Jain, H. and Kar, P. and Varma, M. and Jain, P.",
  title       = "Sparse Local Embeddings for Extreme Multi-label Classification",
  booktitle   = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems",
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2015",

  author      = "Buvanesh, A. and Chand, R. and Prakash, J. and Paliwal, B. and Dhawan, M. and Madan, N. and Hada, D. and Jain, V. and Mehta, S. and Prabhu, Y. and Gupta, M. and Ramjee, R. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Enhancing Tail Performance in Extreme Classifiers by Label Variance Reduction",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Learning Representations",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2024",

  author      = "Chen, Q. and Geng, X. and Rosset, C. and Buractaon, C. and Lu, J. and Shen, T. and Zhou, K. and Xiong, C. and Gong, Y. and Bennett, P. and Craswell, N. and Xie, X. and Yang, F. and Tower, B. and Rao, N. and Dong, A. and Jiang, W. and Liu, Z. and Li, M. and Liu, C. and Li, Z. and Majumder, R. and Neville, J. and Oakley, A. and Risvik, K.~M. and Simhadri, H.~V. and Varma, M. and Wang, Y. and Yang, L. and Yang, M. and Zhang, C.",
  title       = "MS MARCO Web Search: a Large-scale Information-rich Web Dataset with Millions of Real Click Labels",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2024",

  author      = "Dahiya, K. and Saini, D. and Mittal, A. and Shaw, A. and Dave, K. and Soni, A. and Jain, H. and Agarwal, S. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "DeepXML: A Deep Extreme Multi-Label Learning Framework Applied to Short Text Documents",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "March",
  year        = "2021"

  author      = "Dahiya, K. and Agarwal, A. and Saini, D. and Gururaj, K. and Jiao, J. and Singh, A. and Agarwal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "SiameseXML: Siamese Networks meet Extreme Classifiers with 100M Labels",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "July",
  year        = "2021"

  author      = "Dahiya, K. and Gupta, N. and Saini, D. and Soni, A. and Wang, Y. and Dave, K. and Jiao, J. and Gururaj, K. and Dey, P. and Singh, A. and Hada, D. and 
                 Jain, V. and Paliwal, B. and Mittal, A. and Mehta, S. and Ramjee, R. and Agarwal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "NGAME: Negative mining-aware mini-batching for extreme classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "March",
  year        = "2023"

  author      = "Dahiya, K. and Yadav, S. and Sondhi, S. and Saini, D. and Mehta, S. and Jiao, J. and Agarwal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Deep encoders with auxiliary parameters for extreme classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2023"

  author      = "de Campos, T.~E. and Babu, B.~R. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Character recognition in natural images",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, Lisbon, Portugal",
  month       = "February",
  year        = "2009",

  author      = "Gupta, C. and Suggala, A.~S. and Gupta, A. and  Simhadri, H.~V. and Paranjape, B. and Kumar, A. and Goyal, S. and Udupa, R. amd Varma, M. and Jain, P.",
  title       = "ProtoNN: Compressed and Accurate kNN for Resource-scarce Devices",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2017",

  author      = "Gupta, N. and Bohra, S. and Prabhu, Y. and Purohit, S. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Generalized Zero-Shot Extreme Multi-label Learning",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2021"

  author      = "Hariharan, B. and Zelnik-Manor, L. and Vishwanathan, S.~V.~N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Large Scale Max-Margin Multi-Label Classification with Priors",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2010",

  author      = "Hariharan, B. and Vishwanathan, S.~V.~N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Efficient Max-Margin Multi-Label Classification with Applications to Zero-Shot Learning",
  number      = "MSR-TR-2010-141",
  institution = "Microsoft Research",
  year        = "2010",

  author      = "Hariharan, B. and Vishwanathan, S.~V.~N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Efficient Max-Margin Multi-Label Classification with Applications to Zero-Shot Learning",
  journal     = "Machine Learning Journal",
  volume      = "88",
  number      = "1",
  pages       = "127--155",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2012",

  author      = "Jain, V. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Learning to Re-Rank: Query-Dependent Image Re-Ranking Using Click Data",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference",
  month       = "March",
  year        = "2011",

  author      = "Jain, A. and Vishwanathan, S.~V.~N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "SPG-GMKL: Generalized Multiple Kernel Learning with a Million Kernels",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2012",

  author      = "Jain, H. and Prabhu, Y. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Extreme Multi-label Loss Functions for Recommendation, Tagging, Ranking and Other Missing Label Applications",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2016",

  author      = "Jain, H. and Balasubramanian, V.  and Chunduri, B. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Slice: Scalable Linear Extreme Classifiers trained on 100 Million Labels for Related Searches",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "February",
  year        = "2019",

  author      = "Jain, V. and Prakash, J. and Saini, D. and Jiao, J. and Ramjee, R. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Renee: End-to-end Training of Extreme Classification Models",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the Conference on Machine Learning and Systems",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2023"

  author      = "Jawanpuria, P. and Varma, M. and Nath, J.~S.",
  title       = "On p-norm Path Following in Multiple Kernel Learning for Non-linear Feature Selection",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2014",

  author      = "Jose, C. and Goyal, P. and Aggrwal, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Local Deep Kernel Learning for Efficient Non-linear SVM Prediction",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2013",

  author      = "Kumar, A. and Goyal, S. amd Varma, M.",
  title       = "Resource-efficient Machine Learning in 2 KB RAM for the Internet of Things",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2017",

  author      = "Kusupati, A. and Singh, M. and Bhatia, K. and Kumar, A. and Jain, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "{FastGRNN}: A Fast, Accurate, Stable and Tiny Kilobyte Sized Gated Recurrent Neural Network.",
  booktitle   = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems",
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2018",

  author      = "Mittal, A. and Dahiya, K. and Agrawal, S. and Saini, D. and Agarwal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "DECAF: Deep Extreme Classification with Label Features",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "March",
  year        = "2021", 

  author      = "Mittal, A. and Sachdeva, N. and Agrawal, S. and Agarwal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "ECLARE: Extreme classification with label graph correlations",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of The ACM International World Wide Web Conference",
  month       = "April",
  year        = "2021",

  author      = "Mittal, A. and Dahiya, K. and Malani, S. and Ramaswamy, J. and Kuruvilla, S. and Ajmera, J. and Chang, K. and Agrawal, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = " Multimodal Extreme Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2022"

  author      = “Mittal, A. and Mohan, S. and Saini, D. and Asokan, S. and Prabhu, S.~C. and Kumar, L. and Malhotra, P. and jiao, J. and Singh, A. and Agarwal, S. and Chakrabarti, S. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Graph Regularized Encoder Training for Extreme Classification",
  booktitle   = "Companion Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference ",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2025",

  author      = "Mohan, S. and Saini, D. and Mittal, A. and Chowdhury, S.~R. and Paliwal, B. and Jiao, J. and Gupta, M. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "{OAK}: Enriching Document Representations using Auxiliary Knowledge for Extreme Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  month       = "July",
  year        = "2024"

  author      = "Patil, S.~G. and Dennis, D.~K. and Pabbaraju, C. and Shaheer, N. and Simhadri, H.~V. and Seshadri, V. and Varma, M. and Jain, P.",
  title       = "GesturePod: Enabling On-device Gesture-based Interaction for White Cane Users",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology",
  month       = "October",
  year        = "2019",

  author      = "Prabhu, Y. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "FastXML: A Fast, Accurate and Stable Tree-classifier for eXtreme Multi-label Learning",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2014",

  author      = "Prabhu, Y. and Kag, A. and Gopinath, S. and Dahiya, K. and Harsola, S. and Agrawal, R. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Extreme multi-label learning with label features for warm-start tagging, ranking and recommendation",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "February",
  year        = "2018",

  author      = "Prabhu, Y. and Kag, A. and Harsola, S. and Agrawal, R. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Parabel: Partitioned label trees for extreme classification with application to dynamic search advertising",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International World Wide Web Conference",
  month       = "April",
  year        = "2018",

  author      = "Prabhu, Y. and Kusupati, A. and Gupta, N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Extreme regression for dynamic search advertising",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining",
  month       = "February",
  year        = "2020",

  author      = "Prakash, J. and Buvanesh, A. and Santra, B. and Saini, D. and Yadav, S. and Jiao, J. and Prabhu, Y. and Sharma, A. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "On the Necessity of World Knowledge for Mitigating Missing Labels in Extreme Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2025",

  author      = "Roy, D. and Srivastava, S. and Kusupati, A. and Jain, P. and Varma, M. and Arora, A.",
  title       = "One size does not fit all: Multi-scale, cascaded RNNs for radar classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation",
  month       = "November",
  year        = "2019",

  author      = "Roy, D. and Srivastava, S. and Kusupati, A. and Jain, P. and Varma, M. and Arora, A.",
  title       = "One size does not fit all: Multi-scale, cascaded RNNs for radar classification",
  journal     = "{ACM} Transactions on Sensor Networks",
  volume      = "17",
  number      = "2",
  articleno   = "12",
  month       = "January",
  year        = "2021",

  author      = "Saha, O. and Kusupati, A. and Simhadri, H.~V. and Varma, M. and Jain, P.",
  title       = "{RNNPool}: Efficient Non-linear Pooling for RAM Constrained Inference",
  booktitle   = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems",
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2020",

  author       = "Saini, D. and Jain, A.~K. and Dave, K. and Jiao, J. and Singh, A. and Zhang, R. and Varma, M.",
  title        = "GalaXC: Graph neural networks with labelwise attention for extreme classification",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of The ACM International World Wide Web Conference",
  month        = "April",
  year         = "2021",

  author = "Valluri, R. and Mohankumar, A.~K. and Dave, K. and Singh, A. and Jiao, J. and Varma, M. and Sinha, G.",
  title = "Scaling the Vocabulary of Non-autoregressive Models for Fast Generative Retrieval",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month = "August",
  year = "2025",

  author    = "Varma, M. and Varma, V.~S.",
  title     = "Computer Simulation of Evolution",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the GIREP-ICPE International Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia",  
  pages     = "138--150",
  month     = "August",
  year      = "1996"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Classifying Images of Materials: Achieving Viewpoint and Illumination Independence",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Computer Vision, Copenhagen, Denmark",  
  publisher   = "Springer-Verlag",
  volume      = "3",
  pages       = "255--271",
  month       = "May",
  year        = "2002"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Classifying materials from images: to cluster or not to cluster?",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Texture Analysis and Synthesis, Copenhagen, Denmark",
  pages       = "139--144",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2002"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Statistical Approaches to Material Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Ahmedabad, India",
  pages       = "167--172",		  
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2002"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Texture Classification: Are Filter Banks Necessary?",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Madison, Wisconsin",
  volume      = "2",
  pages       = "691--698",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2003"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Estimating Illumination Direction from Textured Images",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Washington, DC",
  volume      = "1",
  pages       = "179--186",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2004"

  author      = "Varma, M.",
  title       = "Statistical Approaches To Texture Classification",
  school      = "University of Oxford",
  month       = "October",
  year        = "2004",

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "Unifying Statistical Texture Classification Frameworks",
  journal     = "Image and Vision Computing",
  volume      = "22",
  number      = "14",
  pages       = "1175--1183",
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2004",

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "A Statistical Approach to Texture Classification from Single Images",
  journal     = "International Journal of Computer Vision: Special Issue on Texture Analysis and Synthesis",
  volume      = "62",
  number      = "1--2",
  pages       = "61--81",
  month       = "April",
  year        = "2005"

  author      = "Varma, M. and Garg, R.",
  title       = "Locally Invariant Fractal Features for Statistical Texture Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
  month       = "October",
  year        = "2007",

  author      = "Varma, M. and Ray, D.",
  title       = "Learning The Discriminative Power-Invariance Trade-Off",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the {IEEE} International Conference on Computer Vision, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil",
  month       = "October",
  year        = "2007",

  author      = "Varma, M. and Babu, B.~R.",
  title       = "More Generality in Efficient Multiple Kernel Learning",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning",
  pages       = "1065--1072",
  month       = "June",
  year        = "2009",

  author      = "Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.",
  title       = "A Statistical Approach To Material Classification Using Image Patch Exemplars",
  journal     = "{IEEE} Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence",
  volume      = "31",
  number      = "11",
  pages       = "2032--2047",
  month       = "November",
  year        = "2009"

  author      = "Varma, M.",
  title       = "Extreme Classification",
  journal     = "Communications of the ACM",
  volume      = "62",
  number      = "11",
  pages       = "44--45",
  month       = "November",
  year        = "2019",

  author      = "Vasisht, D. and Damianou, A. and Varma, M. and Kapoor, A.",
  title       = "Active Learning for Sparse Bayesian Multilabel Classification",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2014",

  author      = "Vedaldi, A. and Gulshan, V. and Varma, M. and Zisserman, A.", 
  title       = "Multiple Kernels for Object Detection", 
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision", 
  month       = "September",
  year        = "2009", 

  author      = "Vemuri, H. and Agrawal, S. and Mittal, S. and Saini, D. and Soni, A. and Sambasivan, A.~V. and Lu, W. and Wang, Y. and Parsana, M. and Kar, P. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Personalized Retrieval Over Millions of Items",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval",
  month       = "July",
  year        = "2023"

  author      = "Vishwanathan, S.~V.~N. and Sun, Z. and Theera-Ampornpunt, N. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Multiple Kernel Learning and the {SMO} Algorithm",
  booktitle   = "Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems",
  month       = "December",
  year        = "2010",

  author      = "Yadav, S. and Saini, D. and Buvanesh, A. and Paliwal, B. and Dahiya, K. and Asokan, S. and Prabhu, Y. and Jiao, J. and Varma, M.",
  title       = "Extreme Meta-classification for Large-scale Zero-shot Retrieval",
  booktitle   = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining",
  month       = "August",
  year        = "2024",